CHEST Medical Writing Tips of the Month:009 研究結果を科学論文にまとめる



Documenting Research in Scientific Articles: Guidelines for Authors

Tom Lang, MA

(CHEST 2006; 130:1263-1268)

The guidelines here have been condensed from How To Report Statistics in Medicine; Annotated Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers.1 Authors should also consult other checklists for reporting specific research designs, such as the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials statement(CONSORT)2 for reporting randomized controlled trials, the Transparent Reporting of Evaluations With Nonrandomized Designs (TREND)statement3 for reporting nonrandomized trials, andthe Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement4 forreporting of observational studies.

→ 今回は、ガイドライン”How To Report Statistics in Medicine; Annotated Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers.”の要約。以前に紹介をしたCONSORT、TREND、やSTROBEなどの研究チェックリストとならぶガイドラインなのだろうか?


Guidelines To Be Addressed in the Introduction

Describe the Background, Nature, Scope, and Importance of the Problem That Led to the Study


Many authors assume, incorrectly, that readers oftheir article will know why the research was doneand, by extension, why the research is important. This assumption often results in a scientific report that begins with what was done, rather than why it was done.2,5

→ なぜ研究が行われたのか、なぜ重要なのか?、読者は理解してくれていない(それがふつう)。(問題が明確でないと)なぜこの研究を行ったのかではなく、何を研究したのかではじまる論文になってしまう。



Guidelines To Be Addressed in the Methods

State the Specific Objectives of the Study, Including Any Formally Stated Research Questions or Hypotheses.Identify the Research Design and Explain Why This Design Was Chosen




Guidelines To Be Addressed in the Results

Report the Results of the Study, Preferably in Figures or Tables.

→ 研究の結果を、できれば図や表で表す。


Describe the Nature and Frequency of Common or Severe Side Effects and Adverse Events for Each Group

Adverse events have been conspicuously underreported in journal publications.2,5,33,34 For each group, give the following: (1) frequency, (2) severity (a matter of degree), (3) seriousness (a matter of threat to health or well being), and (4) timing of adverse events.33 General statements about the frequency of side effects (“there were few side effects”) are uninformative.33 It is also helpful to distinguish between adverse clinical events and laboratory-determined toxicities.

→ 一般的な副作用、重大な副作用、特徴と頻度を各群について既述する。

 学術誌では有害事象の報告が実際よりも著しく少ない。(1) 頻度 (2) 重篤度(程度) (3) 重症度 (健康な状態をどのくらい脅かすか) (4) 発生時期、について記載をすること。副作用の頻度についての一般的な記述、例えば「副作用は少なかった」などは、何の情報も与えることにならない。臨床的な有害事象の発生と研究室で測定された有害性を区別しておくことも役立つ。


Guidelines To Be Addressed in the Discussion


・Summarize the Results 結果をまとめる

・Interpret the Results and Suggest an Explanation for Them 結果の解釈とその意味を説明する

・Describe How the Results Compare With What Else Is Known About the Problem: Review the Literature and Put the Results in Context これまでにわかっていることと今回の結果をどう比較したか説明する。

・Suggest How the Results Might Be Generalized 結果をどのように普遍化できるか提案する

・Discuss the Implications of the Results 結果から推測されることを考察する

・Discuss the Limitations of the Study 結果の限界について考察する


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