
 はじめて論文を読みはじめたときには、抄録ばかりを読んでいた。目的、方法、結果などの必要最低限がフレーム化され、簡潔に結論を伝えてくれる。それをStructured Abstracts(構造化抄録)だということは、後で知った。


 国際医学雑誌編集者会議のサイトThe International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

 利益相反Conflicts of Interestから、著作権Copyright、書き方Manuscript Preparation and Submissionまで、要点がそろっている。


The Uniform Requirements state the ethical principles in the conduct and reporting of research and provide recommendations relating to specific elements of editing and writing. These recommendations are based largely on the shared experience of a moderate number of editors and authors, collected over many years, rather than on the results of methodical, planned investigation that aspires to be “evidence-based.” Wherever possible, recommendations are accompanied by a rationale that justifies them; as such, the document serves an educational purpose.

“Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication, Statement of Purpose”より

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