CHEST Medical Writing Tips of the Month:004 抄録を作成する具体的なアイディア


Some Concrete Ideas About Manuscript Abstracts*

(CHEST 2006; 129:1375-1377)

The journal article, the publication of scientific results of a study, is a beautifully constructed document with several well-known key components, the so-called IMRaD style of introduction, methods/ materials, results, and discussion. While most scientists are cognizant of these components and generally are able to write them reasonably well, the abstract of the article is often a mystery. What is the purpose of the abstract? What should it contain? How does the abstract relate to the full manuscript? How can a 250-word limit do justice to all the data collected? Can the skills needed for writing the abstract of a manuscript be learned? I hope to show that manuscript abstracts indeed are not abstract (ie, free form), but rather that they abstract (ie, pull out) necessary information and compel the reader into the full article.

→ 論文は研究の科学的結果を出版したもので、主要要素で見事に構成されている。

これはintroduction(序文)、methods/materials(方法)、results(結果)、discussion(考察)から成る IMRaDスタイルと呼ばれている。収集されたすべてのデータを250語という制限内で適切に表す

→ 論文のabstract、つまり抄録は抽象的(abstract)なものではなく、むしろ具体的な内容を引っ張り出して読者に全文を読む動機を与えるものである

Take-Home Lesson

A good abstract is invaluable to the authors because it encourages other scientists to read the work, and is invaluable to science in general because it adds to the general knowledge base and allows others to conduct further research in the field. The hallmarks of a good abstract include the following:

* Clear, concise writing;

* Limited use of abbreviations;

* Number of observations; in the case of patients, the number randomly assigned to treatment and the number who received treatment is useful;

* Interventions used, including dosage;

Identification of primary and secondary end points, and how and when they were measured, if necessary;

* Results of the primary and secondary end points, in the same order as in the methods section;

* Notification of toxicities; and

* A conclusion based on the data in the article, not conclusions extrapolated for other populations.

→ スペシャルなエッセンスは、このお持ち帰りから。


* 明確で簡潔な文章

* 略語の使用を制限

* 観察対象の数。患者の場合、治療に無作為に割り付けられた患者数と実際に治療を受けた患者数が重要

* 投与量など、用いられたインターベンション(処置)

* 第一、第二のエンドポイント、および必要に応じて、それをどのようにして、いつ測定したかの明記

* プライマリおよびセカンダリ・エンドポイントの結果を方法セクションに記載されているのと同じ順序で明記

* 有毒性の明記

* 論文中のデータに基づく結論。これは他の母集団から推定された結論ではない

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