CHEST Medical Writing Tips of the Month:006 基礎研究の科研費を獲得するための申請書の書き方


Writing Successful Grant Applications for Preclinical Studies

David Kessel, PhD

(CHEST 2006; 130:296-298)


The ability to write successful grant applications is critical to success in academic medicine.

Main Points and Explication

The most common source of funding for grant proposals in the field of biology in the United States is the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Department of Defense, National Science Foundation, and many local agencies are utilized by many investigators. An insight into the NIH guidelines and procedures is provided by an NIH Web site: tips.htm.

→ 米国の生物学分野で、科研費にもっとも資金提供しているのは、国立衛生研究所(National Institute of Health; NIH)。

It is important to have figures, tables, and charts of sufficient size and clarity so that they can easily be digested. It is also useful to remember what the reviewers are going to be looking for: significance, importance of the question being asked, whether a successful result will produce useful knowledge, and indications that the applicant knows how to get the work done. Badly designed proposals, errors in interpretation of data, lack of preliminary results, and of clarity suggest that the applicant is not well organized and is not likely to be able to get the work done. Check to see that the references are correctly numbered. If, for example, a reviewer finds that the reference numbers in the bibliography have somehow gotten out of order, this will not make a good impression.






 → 慎重すぎるくらいの丁寧さが必要なのだ。

Take-Home Messages

It is important to do the following: (1) check out the Web sites provided by the NIH or other granting agencies for helpful hints; (2) when feasible, try to tailor your proposal to the (likely) reviewers; (3) have your proposal reviewed and criticized before it goes out; and (4) be sure it tells an interesting story. It is of great help, should the opportunity arise, to serve on a study section or grants panel so as to see how the review process is done. Don’t miss the opportunity. It is a good bit of work but well worth the effort.

(1) NIHやその他の科研費交付機関のウェブサイトを見て、役に立つヒントを確認する

(2) 可能な場合は、申請書を予想審査員に合わせて調整するようにする

(3) 提出する前に、申請書を確認、批評してもらう

(4) 申請書の展開を興味深いものにする


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