CHEST Medical Writing Tips of the Month:008 グッバイ ゴーストライター!

 Why Do I Need To Know About Professional Medical Writers? 


Goodbye Ghostwriters!

How To Work Ethically and Efficiently With Professional Medical Writers

(CHEST 2006; 130:921-923)


If you recognize the ethical and scientific obligations to publish your research, but have not always been able to do so, you are not alone. Between one third to two thirds of medical research may remain unpublished.1,2 The main reason for nonpublication is lack of time, but limited manuscript preparation experience or English writing skills can also present challenges for authors.1,3-5 When limited by time, experience, or language, researchers may seek medical writing assistance.3,4 Although the legitimate role of professional medical writers has been recognized by journal editors, authors need to know how to work appropriately with writers.6,7 The purpose of this article is to describe how authors can work ethically and efficiently with professional medical writers- and, in so doing, say goodbye to ghostwriters!





What Is the Difference Between Professional Medical Writers and Ghostwriters?

For the purpose of this article, professional medical writers are writers who abide by ethical guidelines for medical writing (Table 1).



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